Sunday, September 21, 2014

bedtools intersect -a EBVSEPETPE-domains.txt -b RAD21-domains.txt -f 1.0 -wa

It is not the will to win that counts, it is the will that prepare to win that makes the difference

If you want change the unsatisfied status quo, go and work for it, fight for the change, work hard to make it happen. Change will never be possible if you just sit there and think how much you want to change, you have to move out of the comfort zone and enduring the harsh of labor and the bitterness of fight. 
Happiness, Respects, Securities and Successes are earned, you have to fight for it.
It is not the will to win that counts, it is the will that prepare to win that makes the difference.

Friday, September 19, 2014

txStart and txEnd

txStart, txEnd: These columns contain the start and end coordinates for
transcription of the gene.
cdsStart, cdsEnd: These columns contain the start and end coordinates for
the coding region of the gene.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

安全驾乘 幸福一生

  冷静处理事故及警察询问。高速路上发生一般事故及意外时,应迅速打开应急灯,将车停靠路边,在车后方100米架设反光三脚架警示后车,然后迅速到路边安全地带等待救援和处理。行驶途中如被警察要求靠边停车(Pull Over),必须打开应急灯,缓慢靠路边应急道停车、熄火,然后掏出驾照,将双手放在方向盘上,坐在车内等警察过来。任何其他动作都会被视为威胁,警察可以采取暴力措施。一中国女留学生因超速被警察追到路边停车后,下车找警察理论,结果当即被捕并被拘留一晚。

Monday, September 8, 2014

I am the lucky one cherish and fight

Heard the sad story from a friend fighting to find a job but can't, knowing that life here can be very very hard.

Cherish and Fight for my Happiness and American Dream.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Install and Configure Apach

Download $ lynx
Extract $ gzip -d httpd-NN.tar.gz
$ tar xvf httpd-NN.tar
$ cd httpd-NN
Configure $ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
Compile $ make
Install $ make install
Customize $ vi PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf
Test $ sudo PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start

In many cases, the testing would have some problem mostly because people just forget the "sudo" .